Success Stories & Testimonials


A global Asset & Wealth Management leader required a new approach to deal with the challenge of digitization while eroding margins led to cost pressures. The Operations & IT heads were tasked to jointly define a new Operations & IT strategy that was both bold and realistic to implement.


  • Created a compelling vision for a differentiated digital future
  • Developed an achievable strategic roadmap with first results due within the first 9 months
  • Special attention and coaching was used to balance stakeholder expectations


Succeeded in enabling Operations & IT heads to win sufficient funding (€100m+) for year 1 and to begin execution promptly.

Gained senior stakeholder buy-in for the project portfolio & roadmap which outlined a 3-year program that had been developed with digital deep-dives on client interaction.

For more on our services and approach, check our Services page →

Do you want to find out more about what transition or transformation coaching can do for you?


A global universal bank was merging it’s Investment & Private Banking Operations to deliver major savings targets without a new leader in place.


  • Conducted rapid as-is budget & headcount analysis/mapped to top-down savings targets
  • Defined detailed transition with Year 1 & 2 cost savings
  • Designed new operating model including identifying future leadership


Delivered a 20% reduction in global headcount over 18 months with no significant operational errors.

Coached the leader of Operations in building a strong and diverse team that delivered on the targets while delivering a future-proof operating model.

For more on our services and approach, check our Services page →


An Investment Bank (IB) wanted to carve out an IB trading desk into a newly established Hedge Fund (HF).  Senior Executives of IB and HF were expected to take in client money quickly. For the IB transformation leader, this was the largest and most complex program he had been responsible for.


  • Designed the program to run this complex global initiative across four continents & 1000+ people
  • Built working setup with Hedge Fund Administrator; designed, tested & executed asset migration on a tight timescale
  • Coordinated process design, system changes & interactions between IB & HF post-carve-out


Succeeded in ensuring HF went live, migrated US$3bn over a weekend & with first client money accepted within 90 days thereafter.

Coached transformation leader in managing high expectations of the senior Executive team of the HF.

For more on our services and approach, check our Services page →

Do you want to find out more about what transition or transformation coaching can do for you?


Andreas was my transition coach from -30 to +90 days of my new CTO role. Having a sparring partner like Andreas meant that I had the ability to cross-check my intended strategy as well as receive mentoring / coaching where I could further develop skills for my success. Our weekly sessions helped me to check, share and reflect my work. They provided me the opportunity to take two steps back and analyse situations from different angles and perspectives. Across the coaching journey, the sessions provided me a most valuable way to discuss challenges in a safe environment. I highly recommend transition coaching and anybody in a similar situation should book a few hours with Andreas to try.

CTO Fintech, Zurich

I have been coached by Andreas for the last few months and it has had a very positive impact on my work life. Andreas has definitely enabled me to have a more strategic and holistic perspective on my work (and life in general). In the face of challenging work situations, he has helped me to develop strategies that have enabled me to shift my thinking approach towards solutions.

Director Private Bank, Geneva

Andreas was great to work with. Each of the sessions we had was not only enjoyable but they made me reflect – and I identified actions I wanted to take, in particular in interaction with my team. There have been two great outcomes: I was able to improve my leadership skills as well as my stakeholder management both upwards as well as with peers. Moreover, my team has been more effective and focused while complimenting me on my new-found balance between facilitating and leading them.

Department Head Pharma Industry, Basel

Are you a large Financial Services Corporation looking to support your senior leaders and Executives?

We offer luncheon workshops on “Key Transformational Success Strategies”. If you wish to discuss hosting a luncheon for your company, please schedule a call to discuss.

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